Saç Ekimi Süreçleri Hakkında
The stages of hair transplantation are the process that starts with the person deciding to have a hair transplant, continues with the preparation and planning process in which blood tests and hair analysis are performed, and ends with graft collection, channeling and placement of hair follicles. Although it varies according to the technique applied, the process is completed within 5-6 hours on average. After the hair transplant operation, it may take up to 1 year for the transplanted hair follicles to return to their most natural and normal state.
The hair transplant operation takes approximately 4 to 8 hours. After this process, the donor area is bandaged. The transplanted area is left open and the patient is sent home.
After the hair transplant operation, there are micro skin particles at the base of the roots.
In 1-3 days, the hair transplant center performs the first wash. After the first washing, the crusts begin to heal slowly. During this process, the donor area, which is completely bandaged, is opened during washing. In general, the healing of the donor area is completed after the 3rd day.
On the 3rd day, the healing of the scabs can be seen visually. On the 3rd day, the crusts, which are still blood red, have been replaced by a dark brown appearance. However, it is important that you never remove the crusts here and wait for the crusts to fall off slowly by themselves after your hair follicles heal.
Each person's metabolism and cell renewal rate are different and there are also factors that affect the healing process (smoking, nutrition, etc.). Taking these into consideration, it is possible to say that the recovery after hair transplantation takes place within the first 10-13 days.
The newly transplanted hair follicles are accustomed to their new places and united. However, in this process, some patients may continue to have redness on the scalp. Such differences vary especially according to the constitution. For 2-3 weeks after the hair transplant operation, the transplanted hair follicles get used to their new location and become stronger. Some of the hair follicles may enter the shedding process after this period. This period is called "shock shedding" in hair transplantation.
The loss of newly transplanted and recovered hair strands during the shock shedding process can upset people who have hair transplantation, but you should know that the loss of hair strands that are tired after the operation means that new strong and healthy hair strands grow in their place. The transplanted hair adapts to their new places in 1.5-2 months, about 20% of the new hair strands grow from the 3rd month. 40-50% in the 6th month, 80% in the 9th month, results for the frontal areas in the 1st year, 14th month for the vertex.