Eyebrow transplantation and eyelash transplantation, which are among the trendy applications of recent times, starting to attract the attention of women and men more and more every day. With the latest technologies and functional methods developed, eyebrow and eyelash transplantation are among the applications that make you smile with their easy applicability, permanence, and successful results.

Although we use cosmetic methods in eyebrow aesthetics, of course, no cosmetic method is permanent. For this reason, eyebrow transplantation becomes valuable in terms of providing great comfort to the person.

How is eyebrow transplantation performed?

First of all, as in hair transplantation, hair follicles are taken from the donor area (usually the nape area) and kept in special solutions to prevent any hair loss. The area to be transplanted is numbed with local anesthesia and the roots are transplanted one by one, taking into account the natural growth direction and shape of the eyebrow.

Since eyebrows are one of the prominent parts of the face, the transplantation process should be carried out very meticulously, based on the shape of the face and the patient's wishes.

What are the points to be considered after treatment?

It is possible to see very small, pinhead-sized scabs at the transplant site for two weeks. However, since these scabs fall off quickly, they do not prevent the patient from returning to daily life and work. It is recommended that the person who has undergone eyebrow transplantation should not enter the sea or pool for two weeks, should not be exposed to intense sunlight, should not have a solarium, and should avoid intense sports.

How long does it take for eyebrows to grow after the transplant?

It starts to grow 3 months after transplantation. At the end of about 7-8 months, the eyebrows take their final shape. It is also important to remember that after the eyebrows are transplanted, they start to fall out after 15 days, just like hair. The shedding process continues for 3 months. After the 3rd month, the eyebrows do not fall out.

Since the root is taken from the hair on the nape of the neck during eyebrow transplantation, they grow as fast as hair. For this reason, it is useful to trim the tips at 15-day intervals. At the end of one year, the eyebrows adapt to the characteristics of the place where they are transplanted and their growth rate slows down. The need for trimming is reduced. After 1 year, as the eyebrows will start to gain the characteristics of the place where they are transplanted, their growth rate will slow down and the need for trimming will gradually decrease.

Eyelash Transplantation

Eyelashes are an important anatomical structure that protects the eye chemically and physically against foreign bodies and ensures the closure of the eyelids with its reflex.

The terminal eyelashes grow with a distinct angulation at the corners of the eyes. The length of eyelashes is shorter than hair. This is due to the fact that the anagen phase is shorter in eyelashes than in hair. There are 4-5 rows of eyelashes on the upper eyelid and 2-3 rows on the lower eyelid. On average, there are 300-400 eyelashes on the upper eyelid and 100-150 on the lower eyelid.

Loss of eyelashes or complete shedding is often seen. Eyelash loss can occur in skin diseases such as alopecia and trichotillomania, endocrine diseases, metabolic anomalies, system diseases, due to trauma, side effects of medications, and aging.

In eyelash loss and shedding, drugs containing "Bimatoprost" should first be used by applying to the eyelashes for 16 weeks. This active substance is used in eye diseases, eye pressure-glaucoma. In 2009, the FDA approved its use for this purpose. The response of the upper eyelashes in particular is often quite good. In cases where the response is insufficient with this medication, eyelash transplantation should be considered.

Technological developments in hair transplantation and very high aesthetic results have made eyelashes the target area for transplantation.

Although many methods have been used in eyelash transplantation from past to present, in recent years, hair or body hair taken from hair or body with FUE has been used.

Due to the physical structure of the eyelashes, nape hair is often used on the scalp. Although the physical structure of the nape hair is thin, its growth rate is faster than that of eyelashes. For this reason, leg hairs have become more preferred due to their slow growth rate and thinness.

Eyelash transplants may be preferred in the following cases.

  • • Those with congenitally thin and sparse eyelash structure
  • • In congenital genetic diseases such as ectodermal dysplasia
  • • After alopecia
  • • Due to trichotillomania
  • • Due to lupus erythematosus
  • • Trauma, after eyelid surgeries
  • • Permanent eyelash loss after radiotherapy and chemotherapy

How is eyelash transplantation performed?

Anesthetic and antibiotic moisturizers are instilled into the eye before eyelash transplantation. Local anesthesia is applied to the eyelids.

For 1-2 FUE grafts taken from the scalp or body, places for eyelashes are prepared on the front part of the eyelids, which we call tars.

In eyelash transplantation, 10 cm long roots containing a single hair are taken. Then, these are placed under the skin in the eyelash area 6-9 mm above the eyelid with a special needle called “French needle", and then cut into 2 cm lengths.

After the transplantation, the patient is asked to wash their eyes with distilled water twice a day for 10 days and then use an eye pomade with antibiotic and moisturizing properties.

For the first 2-4 months after transplantation, there is no need to cut the transplanted FUEs. However, at the end of this period, FUEs taken from the legs should be shortened at 4-6 week intervals and FUEs taken from the neck should be shortened every 2-3 weeks due to premature growth.

After eyelash transplantation, a slight blackish-purplish line similar to kohl may appear on the patient's eyelids. This does not affect the patient's daily life in any way.

After 1 or 2 days after the operation, small crusts may form at the roots of the transplanted eyelashes. These can only be noticed when you look carefully. For this reason, there is no situation that negatively affects the patient.

The shock loss that occurs in hair transplantation also occurs in eyelashes.The shedding that occurs approximately 1 month after the eyelash transplant operation lasts for 3 or 4 months at most.

It takes between 4 and 6 months for the transplanted eyelashes to adhere to the area where they are transplanted and look like your natural eyelashes, depending on the person.