EXOSOME is the new trend

I'd like to talk about EXOSOME, the star-making application of recent years.

These applications, which are the continuation of stem cell technologies, are referred to as the holy grail of the new era, so what is this exosome?

Cells are biological units that interact with their external environment. A cell releases its intracellular waste as small packets outside the cell. We have known about this process for years. What we have just realized is that cells prepare small packets rich in proteins, genetic material and lipids and release them into the external environment in order to influence their immediate or distant environment.

We call these packets, which have the potential to influence other cells, exosomes.

What do exosomes do?

One of the most curious topics in science these days is the functions and potential uses of these exosomes.

Exosomes can be secreted by most cell types, these potential cells are multiplied in stem cell laboratories and large reactors are used to milk exosomes, and we anticipate that these exosomes can be used for many purposes, from wound healing, treatment of diseases, cancer treatments to rejuvenation, which is the favorite subject of plastic surgeons.

The purposes of using exosomes for plastic surgery are divided into two as aesthetic and restorative. Restorative treatments are mostly wound healing and treatment of traumas such as burns.

We can describe exosomes as carriers between these cells, a cargo sent by one cell to help another cell. This feature also suggests that exosomes prepared in the lab could be used as an intermediary in the transportation of healing molecules, which is an indication that we are still in the early stages of this incredible potential.

Exosomes for aesthetic purposes

I have tried to give a general summary of the subject so far, but here I will touch on its main purpose.

Exosomes have been shown to slow down cell aging and accelerate cell regeneration thanks to the protein, genetic material (DNA and RNA) and some other molecules they carry.

As I said, we can now not only demonstrate the production of exosomes in the body, but also reproduce exosomes in reactors in the laboratory environment and load them with molecules specific to the effect we want them to have, and use them like a cargo vehicle to slow down aging and rejuvenate the tissues we want.

The most prominent feature of this is that there are positive reports that exosomes can be used as anti-aging against skin aging. And imagine that this is a stage that resembles the crawling period of a newborn baby.

In my book "A WORLD WITHOUT FILTER POSSIBLE", I pointed to these exosomes as one of the most important rejuvenating applications of the future. Let's see what more we will see.